Park City has so much to proud of, not the least of which is playing host to the 2002 Olympics.

The Olympic Welcome Plaza located at the intersection of Park Avenue and Kearns Boulevard celebrates the 2002 Winter Games and all Winter Games before it.

Unfortunately the sun damaged signs give the plaza a dated and almost apocalyptic feel. The brunt of the damage can be seen on the Lillehamer 1994 and Nagano 1998 vinyl plaques. The welcome sign in front of the monument is also in poor shape. The rest of the signs are in good order.

If you are coming to Park City please excuse those couple of faded and cracked signs and know that at some point either the The Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation or Senator Mitt Romney will make sure the unsightly signs are replaced.

Posted in News & Views July 20, 2019. If you have suggestions on how to make Park City better please reach out to us by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the page.